Cornwall Ontario – Mosquitoes around Cornwall and SDSG have tested positive for the West Nile virus. However, there have been no human cases reported in the region.
“The Eastern Ontario Health Unit has been actively monitoring mosquitoes for West Nile virus” says Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health. “This finding shows that West Nile virus remains a concern in our area. Most cases of West Nile virus infections in humans actually occur between the months of August and October, so residents should be aware and take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their families.”
West Nile virus is spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. For most people, the risk of illness is low. However, it can cause serious illness in others.
Ways to protect yourself include using insect repellant with deet and wearing long sleeves.
For more information, visit the Eastern Ontario Health Unit’s website and click on the Community Health section, or call 613-933-1375 or 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line.