There is a new trend online, and we’re somewhat behind it. It’s the #SickAndTiredChallenge.
The challenge was born a Saturday Morning in April of 2016. There was much to be #SickAndTired of that day. First, it was a very cold morning in Cornwall. The winter had been extremely harsh and the temperature remaining at a mere 40 at the end of April made us #SickAndTired of mother nature being temperamental. We blamed it on global warming and big corporations destroying the environment for future generations. We were #SickAndTired of politicians denying global warming even exists! Secondly, the world was a mess. There were issues with Syria, Russia and Iran, which made us #SickAndTired of the universal path Humans were taking. Then, there was the racial tension, something that should not even be in existence in this day and age, which made us #SickAndTired of injustice and white privilege. Oh, and we were totally and ultimately #SickAndTired of the US Elections.
Needless to say, that got us thinking. What if we created a challenge, a positive challenge to eradicate all the things we’re sick and tired of? What if we made it go viral?
We came up with the rules and they are quite simple: record a video of yourself naming one thing, only one, that you are simply sick and tired of. This can be about anything and everything… It can be about politics, people, religion, anything you want, but it can be only about one thing. If you have more than one thing you’re sick and tired of, you can recore more than one video.
Maybe you’re sick and tired of Trump or Hillary. Maybe you’re sick and tired of women. Maybe you’re sick and tired of Sunday Drivers… Whatever it is, get on that camera out and file your grievance!
It may sound negative at first. After all, complaining about stuff never is never productive, is it? Well… Taking the #SickAndTiredChallenge actually is! Why? Because it requires you to explain what you are planning to do about it or ask your friends to brainstorm to find a solution. Then, you spread the word via social media and nominate 5 friends to do the same.
We are inviting you to Sweep the Nation with your Frustration… Then find a solution!
There are many ways to participate. You can go to the website and click on “take the challenge” to record and upload your video right from the site. It will then be posted on the sick and tired YouTube channel from where you can share it to other platforms. If you prefer, you can simply record your video right from your phone or other device and upload it to Facebook or twitter, but don’t forget to include the hashtag #SickAndTiredChallenge. You can also include the website address to help us spread the word.
Remember, if you ‘re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.