Cornwall Ontario – Shannon Champagne, owner of A Lil’ Pole Fitness, has organized a calendar fundraiser for the OSPCA.
“We have seen other calendars that have been put out to help raise money for the OSPCA and thought that it was an amazing idea and wanted to do our part as well for it,” Shannon Champagne explained.
Shannon Champagne, who is a dog owner, knew the OSPCA was the right choice for the very first A Lil’ Pole Fitness calendar.
“We chose the OSPCA as the animals there all deserve a loving home and some are in need of desperate care to become healthy. I know for myself that my animals are just as much part of my family as we all are and we love them. Why not help others find that same type of love as well”, Shannon Champagne stated.
The photography for the calendar was done by local photographer Jason Setnyk.
“Jason Setnyk volunteered his time to help us make this idea reality and spent his time making the project a lot of fun for the members and putting them at ease in front of the camera,” said Shannon Champagne.
A group picture from the photoshoot was published earlier this year in Cornwall Living Magazine.
The calendar features both pole fitness instructors and participants, male and female, from the local group.
The 2017 calendars, hot off the press, are now for sale. The price is $20 each.
“You can purchase them directly at the OSPCA or at A Lil’Pole Fitness. You can also message me directly. We even had requests as far away as Michigan for the calendar,” Shannon Champagne exclaimed.
A Lil’ Pole Fitness, located at 101 Ninth Street West in Cornwall, is a business that is growing. They are planning to offer classes in pole, aerial silks, and aerial hoops next year.
For more information on A Lil’ Pole Fitness visit their Facebook page. For more information on Jason Setnyk Photography visit his Facebook page.