The 4th Annual Cornwall Lions Club Bed Races are ready to roll this September in downtown Cornwall.
Twenty beds are in need of volunteers to push (four per bed) in support of Lions Club charities.
There will be prize money for the top teams but for the first time, the prize money ($1,000) will be donated to Rachel’s Kids in support of treating childhood cancer in the name of Lily Douglas. Seven year old Lily passed away earlier this year after a courageous battle with cancer.
There are already a couple of “friendly” competitions confirmed including fans of Manchester City vs Manchester United in one of the Bed Races.
The Bed Races take place between 1p-4p on Pitt Street between First and Second on the afternoon of Saturday, September 14th.
There’s a spaghetti dinner and comedy show scheduled to follow the Bed Races at the Knights of Columbus (2nd and Amelia). All volunteer bed pushers will receive a complimentary spaghetti dinner and tickets to the comedy show. Tickets for the spaghetti dinner and comedy show are only $20 each and on sale at Gordon Jewellers (13 Second St West).
If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Roger Lee (Cornwall Lions Club) by e-mail [email protected] or 613-931-9100 or by contacting Kim @ Rachel’s Kids [email protected]