Photo of Ribs and Sausage Courtesy of Schnitzels
The #RibfestCommunityCookout started today and the Cornwall Ribfest Facebook page has been flooded with pictures of scrumptious meals from the 20 local eateries participating in the one-of-a-kind event.
“Ribfest is different this year,” said Terry Muir, president of the Optimist Club of Cornwall and Ribfest Chairperson. “We’re so happy to be able to hold a week-long event that showcases some of the best restaurants in the area, and ends the week with 3 traditional ribbers coming down from various parts of Ontario.”
Texas Ranger, Ribs Royal and Crabby’s BBQ Shack and the 3 favourites heading down Friday and Saturday. But until then, there is plenty of BBQ to sample.
Restaurants offering ribs are Blue Anchor, Boston Pizza, Edward’s Bistro, The Glengarrian, Hops & Barley, King George, Lancaster Pizza, Schnitzels, Sheep’s Head Bistro, Shoeless Joe’s, The Spicy Pearl and Truffles. If you prefer chicken or other fares with a BBQ flair, you can visit Simply Jennifer, The Birchwood Cafe, Eight Zero Zero, Spinners Diner, Esca Gourmet Pizza and Aux Vieux Duluth.

Try as many as you can and you could win up to $1000, courtesy of Dr. Rachel Navaneelan and Cornwall Mercedes-Benz. Each purchase from the Ribfest Menu will give you a ballot for the Draws! Early Bird draw for $500 takes place Friday, Grand Prize for $1000 takes place Monday. The more you eat, the better your chances!
For more information about the event, visit