Oh, how live can change in a year! In 2019, on the eve of Thanksgiving, I was getting a feast ready for my entire family. I was getting ready to meet the woman who would become the mother of my first grandson for the very first time, and I was happy to have everyone under one roof. I am never happier than when all my kids, big and small, are home.
This year will be completely different for us.
I know many people do not believe all the restrictions are necessary and will have the big traditional dinner. I respect that, although I fear they will be the reason why we will see number get much higher a few week from now. My familly will be sticking to our household, but I digress.
With everything being different, I had to stop and pause to reflect on what I have to be thankful for. This is an exercise we do with the kids every year around the dinner table, and it’s usually fairly easy–we have so much–but this year, with everything we “lost”, it can be hard to find joy and thankfulness in our hearts. But when you look at it, despite the pandemic, we have so much to be thankful for.
Here is my list of 20 things I’m thankful for 2020. Yours is probably different, but these are my top 20.
1- Family
That is the foundation to my everything. If I picture a perfect day, all my kids are around. Everything I am and everything I do is for my children. They may not see it, or always appreciated it, but it doesn’t matter. They are my world.
2- Health
I have small health issues, and I always worry about bigger health issues, but the truth is, I am extremely lucky to be healthy, and that everybody in my household is also healthy. My mother has been diagnose with Ovarian Cancer earlier this year and that has given me a new appreciation for my health. I am deeply grateful for it.
3- Water
Running water is something we take for granted. I am thankful to have drinking water coming out of a tap right in my kitchen, but I am especially thankful for HOT water.
Can you imagine this pandemic without Netflix, the internet or, even more importantly these days, ZOOM or Facebook? It would make everything so much harder. Take a moment to be thankful for all this technology.
When things are not going well, sometimes all it takes is a bit of music to put you in a better mood. Try it.
Of course! Especially the grain-fed turkey cooking in the smoker right now.
A good laugh is worth so much. It is great for the soul. Laughing moments, those where you can’t stop and laugh so much that your stomach hurts, are some of the best memories I have.
8- Healthcare
So many countries right now are going through this pandemic and have no universal health care plan. I am thankful that here, in Canada, we have a strong and robust health care system, and that health care is a basic fundamental right. And speaking of Canada…
9- Living in Canada
It’s truly one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It ranks number 2 on the Business Insider’s list of “The 19 countries with the highest standard of life“, namely for its healthcare and Education opportunity.
10- A job I truly love
I am fortunate to be doing what I love doing day in, day out. My work is rewarding and fulfilling. I hope yours is too.
11- Walking
Something I rediscovered recently is hiking. I am thankful that my legs are supporting me well and that I can walk many kilometres, keeping up with my kids.
12- Pets
Life can be a lonely place sometimes, even when you have a big family. Pets are good friends, always there for comfort when you’re feeling blue. They love unconditionally.
13- Freedom
As I am sitting in front of my screen today, I am fully aware that it is MY choice to be here. My choice to be in this moment, have this job, this house… My family was my choice, I decided who I married, I decided what my life would be. We take this for granted, but there are many places in the world where it isn’t like this.
14- Freedom of Speech
And with freedom, comes freedom of speech. I have a fundamental right to say what I want to say without fear. I will not be killed for my opinion. I will not be thrown in jail because I criticize my government.
15- The roof over my head
Even in these Covid times, my family has a roof over its head. I was fortunate enough to be able to keep paying my mortgage, with a little help. We have shelter, we are safe. This is something to be very thankful for.
16- The perfect smell of fresh cut grass or fallen leaves
Is there a better smell?
17- Free Education, and the choice to decide whether or not to return my kids to a physical school.
It’s been a bit rocky at first, but we can’t complain. Our school system has adapted and is offering free education to everybody, even those who prefer to homeschool. I am grateful that I have this options.
18- Movies
So many to see!
19- Art
Similarly to music, a nice piece of art can change your mood in an instant.
20- To be alive (And God if you believe)
Every day that I wake up, I thank God for being alive, for giving me another day. I have been having really deep thoughts about life and death in recent months, questioning my purpose on this earth and finding that time is going on so fast. I can’t control time. All I can do is be happy that I am here today. So I am.
Do you have other things on your list? Comment below! And Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.