So today, I had my appointment for Jab #2 and as for the first one I was still nervous, maybe more so as I have heard that many people react more to the second jab but there was no backing out and off I went to the Benson Centre.
I was expecting to just go in 10 minutes before my set appointment but when I arrived I was greeted by quite a lineup of people outside. I was thinking that because they had a walk-in clinic most people were there for that but I was informed that they fell behind a bit as someone had experienced chest pains after their needle and an ambulance was on the way.
The siren sound was suddenly getting nearer but within no time we all started going in and actually at 1pm I was already in the building (only 5 minutes past my appointment time). I am so impressed at how well the clinics are run – fast, efficient and very safe with about 1,200 people getting their vaccinations there each day.
When I was answering the screening questions I think the guy asking the questions detected that I was a bit nervous and threw in a trick question at the end. He asked the normal, have you been outside the country, have you been in contact with anyone with Covid, do you have a fever, headache that kind of thing and then “and are you finding that you are falling more than usual, especially after drinking wine?” I said, what did you ask again and he said, just checking to make sure you’re paying attention LOL – that part made me smile!
Then waiting in the lineup I was chatting with another guy who asked if I’d had any reactions to my first needle. I told him just a sore arm, how about you? He said he was fine when he got home but his found that his wife had no change either – she was still very crabby – ha ha!!!
It seems wherever I go people recognize me from the Seeker (maybe the fact that I wear my Seeker Mask could have something to do with it) … but today, the nurse who gave me my needle recognized me from the 3D Thrill Rider as she had been on our virtual roller coaster ride a few years ago and loved it so much. Hopefully one day after the pandemic is over Sheldon and I might be out with our ride again.
Anyway, as we were talking I felt a tiny pin prick that felt like a mosquito bite and the second Jab was administered.
After sitting for 15 minutes to make sure there was no reaction I was able to leave and on the way out I did check to see if Seeker Chick Julia was in the lineup for a second dose for her kids but I didn’t see her there. I know she had been though as I just saw her Facebook post.
Once again, thank you Eastern Ontario Health Unit for doing such a great job with the vaccination clinics and I am happy that as more people get vaccinated we will soon be able to get back to some kind of “New Normal”.
Be sure to SAVE THE DATE – Sunday July 18th…

The Seeker Chicks both have their 2 doses and we hope to see you all this Sunday (July 18th) 11 am to 3pm at the Pop-Up Shop near Cornwall Square for the Book Launch of the very first book published by The Cornwall Seeker and Yafa Arts & Crafts with wonderful illustrations by 5 local artists: Jane Macmillan, Linda Geisel, Mandy Prevost, Yafa Goawily and Tracy Lynn Davies. The book is titled “Letters from my window”.
Of course you can pick also up a copy of the July issue of the Cornwall Seeker while you are there. It is choc-a-block full of great articles as always and will give you “Your much needed Dose of Positive News”.