I’m out of confinement. Does that mean I’m recovered?
Well, If you listen to the government, I’m perfectly free to resume my activities, and if I listen to the Telus Health Doctor, I can do so without wearing a mask.
I’m well enough to go on about my life, but was ordered not to exercise for two weeks while my body heals. Which one is it? It’s ok for my husband to go back to his very physical work, lift and move hundreds of pounds around, but not for me to exercise or lift weights? Make it make sense.
And of course, there is the small issue that I’m still testing positive, eight days in.
It was explained to me that the covid RAT tests are qualitative and not quantitative, meaning they’re either positive or negative, but do not reflect just how much virus you are carrying or shedding. If that’s the case, why wasn’t it positive when my sypmtoms started and why did it take a full 15 minutes for the line to show up last Monday, but instantly appears this Monday? Wouldn’t that reflect a higher dose of virus detected?
I’m not a scientist but I feel like the short isolation period combined with the removal of mask mandates may be responsible for the seventh wave being so massive? How massive? Well, look at this graph from Ottawa Public Health that shows hospitalizations in 2022, 2021 and 2022. What do you think? One plus one equals two, not three.

I’m curious to see just how long I will be testing positive. I’ve resumed my duties, but am wearing an n95 everywhere I go. I will continue to do so until I test negative, so instead of looking at me with disdain thinking “what is this idiot doing?”–yes, I’ve been given that look– know that while you’re pointing the finger at me, you have three pointing at yourself. I’m wearing my mask to protect YOU. I don’t need to protect myself, I’m already infected!