Municipal Elections are taking place in October. As one of the main media outlets in the City of Cornwall, The Seeker is always eager to getting to know the candidates. As such, we send each candidate a questionnaire requesting for them to give their position on the most pressing issues near and dear to you, our readers. During the upcoming weeks, we will be publishing the answers from each candidate who choses to respond. Every candidate was sent 11 questions, penned by our own, Jason Setnyk. They can chose to answer as many as they want. We will post them online as they come in. Here are Dean Hollingsworth‘s Questions and Answers. Click on any question to reveal the answer.
1 – Please give us a brief biography / tell the readers about yourself.
(e.g., work/family/education/experience)
My name is Dean Hollingsworth and I am a life long resident of Cornwall. I graduated from Carleton University with a double Major in English and History. I obtained my teacher ‘s degree from Medaille College in Buffalo New York. I have been a City Councillor for 16 years dating back to my first term in 1991. As I am a certified teacher in the Province of Ontario, I currently teach grades 9-12 at Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School. I have been married for 29 years to my wife Lori Entwistle Hollingsworth and I have two adult children – Megan and William.
2 – If you were on Council the previous term, tell us about your accomplishments during the past four years. If you were not on City Council this last term, please tell us why you are running and what you hope to accomplish.
No Answer.
3 – With rents skyrocketing, what can City Council in Cornwall do to prevent renovictions like those at Cumberland Gardens that have impacted many in our community?
No Answer.
4 – In 2018, the City of Cornwall purchased the old Bank of Montreal building in our downtown for $450,000 as the future home of Cornwall’s Art Centre. In 2019, Council heard a report that renovations would cost an additional $4 to $6 million dollars. In addition to the fundraising already being done, will you support some public tax dollars going towards a Cornwall Art Centre, or should the municipality pause any additional financial support?
No Answer.
5 – Post-pandemic, what can Council do to improve Economic Development for the city and support existing businesses?
The most pressing need in the city is housing. We have jobs that have been left unfilled due to a lack of people. We have a lack of people due to a lack of housing. We need to make housing a priority. I would like to see the city hire more planners and building inspectors to speed up the building process. I would like to see use review our reserve policy in order to channel more money to building affordable housing. Finally, I would like to see the city aggressively pursue housing grant from senior levels of government.
6 – What are your thoughts on the McConnell Medical Clinic closure? Although health care is a provincial issue, is there anything Council can do to attract more doctors and nurses to our city?
No Answer.
7 – While climate change is a global issue, what can the City do locally to keep our neighborhoods cool and protect natural resources like the St. Lawrence River?
No Answer.
8 – Many City businesses are open on Sundays, and many events happen on Sundays. Do you support Sunday service for Cornwall Transit?
I fully support the idea of a Sunday Service as affordable transportation can create more money in a household budget to assist people rising cost of housing and rents. In fact, I would like to review our current transit program to increase ridership, decrease wait times and extent the service to parts of the counties. I think we need to expand our marketing of transit, review the current transit budget and begin talks with the counties to expand the service.
9 – What can we do to improve social services in Cornwall? Examples include but are not limited to Cornwall Transit, childcare spaces, or LTR spaces.
No Answer.
10 – Do you support keeping tax increases to a bare minimum? If yes, where would the savings come from, and would you support reducing some services? If you do not support keeping tax increases to a minimum, explain your reasoning why.
No Answer.
11 – How can candidates contact you? Please provide a phone number and/or email and/or one website (or one social media link).
No Answer.
Who votes for those having no answer to the questions? They do seem to answer the questions that serve them individually.Running a City takes interest in all areas and a passion for all things that affect our city.