Since “modern history began to be recorded 6000 years ago”, Women’s influences on Planet Earth have been bludgeoned by some self-chosen group of patriarchal oligarchists/dictators.
Before this ‘time-era’, which they decided to register as the date human history started, there existed on Planet Earth thousands of years of very advanced and civilized humans who honored the Feminine Energies = the Great Mother … the Woman … the Female. In these ancient civilizations, the Matriarchal/Feminine Energies were found in the Goddesses they respected and sought help from. More and more archaeological discoveries are being made all over this planet to prove this statement.
What happened 6000 years ago, and even up to now, to make a few, self-chosen men become so jealous of the Feminine/Matriarchal Energies on Planet Earth? What caused them to feel so insecure that they have spent centuries trying to suppress Women and their Wisdoms? As a consequence of these immature emotions, they have caused the World to become totally imbalanced. However, finally! the changes are happening and we are beginning a long overdue cycle where the Feminine Energies are allowed to express themselves alongside the Masculine Energies and we are now one day at a time ushering forth: A WORLD IN BALANCE!
In the realm of Healing, I have discovered that our very capable Women of the Past were and are still influencing us without most people even knowing it.
Did you know that healthy HYGIENE … this marvelous word derives from the Great Healer of Greek descent and her name was HYGIEIA. She lived around 600 BC. Little information is given us about her as happens with many other famous women of earlier times. Researchers, however, know that she was the daughter of Aesculapius, who held the title of: God of Medicine and Hygieia’s mother was Epione, Goddess of Soothing Pain. Hygieia held the title of: Goddess of health and cleanliness. She encouraged the people to eat the right foods as being a major way to effectively cure diseases, to use herbs, stay in good physical shape, live in a clean home and clean environment. If she were to live today and be free to offer her healing ways there would be far fewer sick/diseased people!
Did you know that the word and well-known expression: The PANACEA for all ills/the cure all/the solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases … originates from the Greek Goddess Panacea who was the sister of Hygieia, and daughter … naturellement … of Asclepius and Epione. Panacea was revered by the people as the Goddess of Universal Health.
Both of these wonderful Women were so respected that they were included in the Hippocratic Oathwhich historically was taken by physicians! The Oath starts immediately by mentioning their names and the need of physicians to ensure good medical behavior at all times:
“I SWEAR BY APOLLO THE PHYSICIAN AND AESCULAPIUS THE SURGEON, LIKEWISE HYGIEIA and PANACEA, and call all the gods and goddesses to witness that I will observe and keep this underwritten oath, to the utmost of my power and judgement:
…With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for the people the best diet, according to my judgement and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage … .
…Nor shall any man’s entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any men to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. …“
At this point in time, when our Divine Right to Self-Healing is being monopolized by the medical/chemical/pharmaceutical multinational corporate patriarchs, it would be appropriate to remind them: Do stand back and leave the knowledgeable Eco-Conscious Women and Men to seek and use ways to heal themselves freely without ever being hindered by regulations and laws that accommodate only you: the medical cartels. Because the Pure, Divine Herbal and other Plant remedies have been proven to heal various illnesses based on thousand of years of usages … then it is logical that “you” are not to challenge these Wisdoms by aggressively denying our trust in using them. An additional reminder: Harm not the Hygieia’s and the Panacea’s of this World but become humble and acknowledge their intelligence, wisdoms, intuitions that are going to bring forth a Healthy World!