Lately I’ve been feeling pretty blue. I’m sure the weather has something to do with it. I also know that the massive amount of adrenaline that had been sustaining me prior to the big Woman Show has finally run out, leaving me feeling drained and empty now that it’s all over. Hence, I’m just not feeling quite like myself.
A lot of it also comes from the highly toxic political climate, and majorly depressive campaigning happening south of our border.
I briefly touched on it before Christmas, but I had hope the American people would eventually wake up and realize how insane they have collectively become. Alas, it has only gotten worse.
The orange politician, who runs on an outrageously Hitleresque rhetoric, is far ahead in the race for leadership and well on his way to becoming the next Republican Presidential Nominee. It’s an abomination! It makes a mockery of the entire American Political System. How can such a buffoon be regarded as a serious contender in the race for what many would consider the world’s highest office? Reality definitely is stranger than fiction.
There is so very little meat in what Trump is feeding the electors. He hides behind blanket statements that he knows rattles the troops; his big wall that the Mexicans will pay for; his plan to get ISIS and deport Muslims… Nothing concrete has been said as to how he will achieve anything he promises, but hey, it sounds good to the good ol’ white gun-loving racists, so why not!
But what is really terrifying is how he can spew hatred, openly discriminate, outright lie, corrupt and coerce without ever facing repercussions. He is untouchable and says so himself. He doesn’t get berated for his actions. No! Instead, he get endorsements from some of the most prominent preachers in the Nation. One Nation under God, you say? I think not…
Rallies are looking more like boiler room sessions where hate takes center stage and where the “US against THEM” voice is being used, them being anybody opposing Trump’s views. THEY are belittled, ridiculed, threatened then taken away.
Scary, I know. Horror books are made of stuff like this where a nutty sociopath takes over the world and starts an all-out war. Apocalypse! Doomsday!
Months ago, people said I was crazy to think Trump had a chance in hell to make it to the big league. Turns out I’m not that crazy after all.
At the risk of once again sounding like a lunatic, I will urge you, all my Canadian friends, to try and speak some sense into our American neighbours’ minds. If you value life as we know it, you need to go out of your way to express your concerns, for the entire world, shall a Trump / whoever ticket make it on the ballot. It would be catastrophic.
Let’s not sit idle as history repeat itself…