Over the years, I’ve seen and written about many things. Unknown to some, I am also a freelance journalist. A “freelance journalist” is defined as: “a self-employed individual who produces journalistic content on a freelance basis” But I’m not here about from I have been, today is about Canadian political parties. Go figure, considering the environment there is, in the House of Commons (HoC).
As many know I have been researching our history and our laws for well over a decade. In this time, one accumulates a lot of information about how this Nation is to operate, how government is to operate and how our political parties are receiving a resounding “G” grade. Most times that “G” is because, when watching the antics in the HoC, one generally shakes their head and says “Gee.”
The problems with our political parties are not just their partisanship but their problems, also, stem from the pollsters and media. It’s incredibly funny when one hears a politician say “the only poll that matters is the poll on voting day.” I mean seriously could anything be as foolish as that. Of course, all of the polls matter to these parties.
Some of Canadians understand that every time a poll comes out the political parties are all over it to see the demographics that are for, or against them. They look for which policy works and what doesn’t and in a number of instances they look for what cryptic statement they can use to convince the population they are just wonderful and they don’t know why Canadians can’t understand them or their policies.
Now, and again laughable, we’re supposed to be on the edge of this government being brought down by a “non-confidence vote.” We’ve also heard the leader of the NDP declare, with all ferocity, that he is tearing up the Supply and Confidence agreement, between the NDP and the Liberals. Wow…such a display and for what – nothing. It’s as if the agreement is still in place, and the NDP continues as Liberal backbenchers.
The theatrics continue with the BLOC. They say they are there to protect and work for Quebec. And this is so laughable it makes one chuckle. Guess they hadn’t read the history of Pierre E. Trudeau or they might want to find another catch-line.
During the Second World War Pierre E. Trudeau’s thoughts, on the war, were in his 1993 Memoirs: “So there was a war? Tough… if you were a French Canadian in Montreal in the early 1940s, you did not automatically believe that this was a just war… we tended to think of this war as a settling of scores among the superpowers.”[2] He didn’t even go to war. He felt that Quebec/Montreal should be defended from the sitting Federal Government. Sound familiar.
Perhaps Mr. Blanchet, Leader of the BLOC, should be concerned that Justin Trudeau might take over his party, merely based on his Father’s ideology. Not to mention that like so many other members of the NDP (CCF) have switched parties to go to the Liberals. Pierre. E. Trudeau, Bob Rae, just to name a few, including The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of our Federal Natural Resources. Why not the BLOC?
So, one could say that not only are the NDP MPs backbenchers of the Liberal Party – so are members of the BLOC – serving as the Liberal back-benchers, to service their master and keep this government in power, beyond its due date.
If this is the way our political parties are going to operate, perhaps it might be time to look back into history and do what was already suggested.
Canadians should be able to “have faith in the political morality of our leading statesmen to the extent, at least, that no one of them, acting in an official or, as may be said, a judicial position – as advisers of the crown, as trustees of the constitution – would permit his judgment to be biased by a mere party spirit, or for a temporary party triumph. If it be otherwise in Canada, then it is time we were governed without party, as that term is now understood.”
If you are a member of the NDP, Liberal or BLOC parties – you might want to remind them who they represent – not their party but all Canadians and it’s time to go to the polls that they say matter – the voting polls.
Elizabeth Marshall
Author and Freelance Journalist
Director of Research – Ontario Landowners Association
Past Chair – Canadian Justice Review Board
Legal/Legislative/General Researcher –
MPs, MPPs, Municipal Officials, Lawyers, etc.