This upcoming Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 7 PM to 10 PM , the Army Navy and Airforce Club (located at 14 Marlborough St. North, Cornwall, ON) will play host to this very special community fundraiser to help Kylie and her parents with funds to continue with travel and other related expenses during the next upcoming months while she battles with the aftermath of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, better known as H.U.S.
Pictured in header are Rob Mainville and Brittany Kaddie (Parents of 2 Year Old Kylie – Diagnosed with H.U.S) with Kylie herself.
Kylie’s journey originally started with her not feeling well and her parents monitored this illness. At first diagnosed with “gastro” like symptoms, and only a very short time later took a drastic and quickly declining prognosis and was rushed by ambulance to CHEO intensive care unit on August 26, 2024. By the time that Kylie reached CHEO she was already in kidney failure, having to have a blood transfusion. Due to the amount of kidney damage, it had affected her overall wellbeing and put her in a very dangerous state, with both parents in great despair and fear of the worst possible scenario. After many tests and a lengthy stay, CHEO was able to confirm her diagnosis. Due to what Kylie’s body has sustained from the HUS, Kylie will now be followed by a lifelong journey with a nephrologist and undergo many blood test follow ups (to determine if she will have chronic kidney disease), and potential life sustaining treatments in the future.

Both Parents are local workers at the Walmart Logistics, Rob as a Walmart Fleet Driver and Brittany in Administration, wish to thank their friends, family and local community who have assisted in the immediate help provided during the initial crisis. But now, this fundraiser is to help the family set up a little account for Kylie for future trips and other specialized care and costs associated with her care in the future. “We realize we are not the only families that have sick children:” states Rob, Kylie’s Dad, “but this is something that no parent should have to ever go through. We are so lucky that CHEO was there to help us. Both Brittany and I would have never gotten through this without the incredible team of specialists and staff at CHEO. WE THANK YOU SO MUCH for SAVING Kylie’s life!”
Well known local artist Kevin Rivette who has been performing out of the community for the past several years has decided to do his first show back in his home town for this event. He will be providing the entertainment for this evening to benefit his cousin Rob, daughter Kylie and her cause. Rivette, who has himself been a CHEO CHILD understands the importance of such fundraising initiative and certainly can relate being a father and grandfather himself.
“As many know, I have performed at the CHEO telethons in the past and have helped it’s foundation in their efforts as they help so so many , including my children in the past and grandchildren in the present that they are to be commended for saving Kylie’s Life!” says Rivette. “When I got the call about Kylie (who is Rivette’s Cousin Rob’s Child), I shouted out to friends and family to pray . Those little eyes and that smile was so so heart wrenching and although I don’t talk much about this, there was a child a little older than Kylie that was lost during my time performing for Operation Enfant Soleil in Québec fundraiser in Joliette . That never left me. And understanding the struggles that my parents did go through when I was terminal between the ages of 11 to 13 with many travels and expenses being quite low back then compared to today, that can be a very difficult financial burden on a family. One that I know far too well. I have been asked over and over again when are you coming back to Cornwall to perform, well, here is the opportunity to come back to do a show that will bring back some musical memories for many and a fun and entertaining evening with songs from all eras and genres (et oui des chansons francaises aussi) while helping out family and this amazing and beautiful little girl!. There will also be some guest performers.
I know this community has heart and will support them in any way that they can!”
There will be no tickets sold in advance. This will be all available at the door There will be a cover charge of min of $10 per person or a free will donation above the min with all proceeds going directly to the family. There will be a door prize and a 50/50 draw. We hope you will bring family and friends and help support them.