For such a popular holiday, Valentine’s Day seems to be pretty hated amongst many people. Whether it’s the singles who feel lonely and left out or the men who partake in activities just to please their wives or girlfriends, Valentine’s Day makes more people grunt in dismay than seemingly any other day of the year. But why? It’s a holiday surrounding love, a day when we can all feel some extra romance and focus on those we care for rather than ourselves. Well, the bulk of the hate for the holiday seems to come from those who feel left out, which explains why so many singles wish they could just skip February 14th.
But what if hating (or loving) Valentine’s Day is just a state of mind? Think back to when you were a kid and everyone in your class would share Valentine’s cards with each other, no matter their popularity standing or how many friends they had. What if Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to just be for the couples anymore or the men who feel like they have to purchase extravagant roses or diamonds. What if Valentine’s Day became less about lavish gifts and more about… well, love.
For the ones who enjoy this day, they probably already know the secret. Valentine’s Day isn’t about the presents you receive but instead the love you share. While busy lives and schedules can get in the way of many couples daily expression of love and gratitude, it’s important to remember that finding time for each other will not only make you feel better but improve your relationship tenfold. So then people ask, well what if I already show my appreciation every day? Why do I need a special day in February to prove my undying love? Because it’s fun! Because it’s a day to enjoy each other and put all of life’s stresses on the backburner and have fun celebrating a silly holiday. It doesn’t have to be about expensive dinners or outrageous diamonds, it just has to be about accepting the day and enjoying it together. The key is having fun together and remembering all the special, little things that you do love.
And for the singles who feel left out or down on Valentine’s Day? You need to have fun with it too. Don’t be bummed out because you don’t have a date, instead gather up some of your closest single friends and have a movie night or some drinks. Love can move beyond relationships on Valentine’s Day and we all know our friends are some of the people we love the most, so instead of sitting around and moping this weekend, bring the childhood fun back into the holiday and do something for YOU. If you’ll be alone on Valentine’s Day, treat yourself to something nice and enjoy some time by yourself. For real, instead of crying into a box of Kleenex while watching The Notebook on repeat and wondering why that can’t be you, show yourself some love. Go get a massage or just sleep in for once and instead of self-loathing, incorporate self-love. Being alone isn’t a curse and it sure as heck isn’t a reason to hate a simple little holiday so instead of twisting yourself up in hatred towards it, find ways to love it… and ways to love yourself.
At the end of the day, we can all agree that Valentine’s Day is overly-commercialized and pretty in-your- face but if we all started hating on it less and loving each other more we would find that this special day is actually one to celebrate. So, love your significant other, love your friends, love your parents, love your kids, love your co-workers, and most importantly love yourself because life is really too short to treat any day NOT like Valentine’s Day.
Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show “The Love Hawk” every Tuesday at 6pm at and after “The Love Hawk” stay tuned in to “What’s Up With The Seeker Chicks” 7-8pm Happy Valentine’s Day!