There’s a quote that says “Behind every successful man is a good woman” and I like to believe that wholeheartedly.
Being a woman in business can be great as women think differently than men, are often more intuitive and can offer a very different perspective, opinion and ideas.
I like to feel that a woman can not only stand on her own in today’s world but that she can also stand out but also be advantage and equal to men in business.
I would personally like to congratulate all of the successful women in business right here in Cornwall and hope you will join many of them at this year’s Women’s Day Show happening this weekend! (And kudos to Julia & Mai-Liis for hosting it!)
I am fortunate to be a successful business woman myself and am lucky to have had all the opportunities I have had over the years including my company Carol Grant Productions (photography, Photo Booth rental), hosting Cornwall & Area Bridal Show (going on 15 years), having been Chair (a few terms) of Women Entrepreneurs of Cornwall & Area in the past, and recently pairing up with my soon-to-be husband to found Cornwall & Area Pop Event – CAPE.
Through my networking in Cornwall alone, I have met many strong, independent, successful, entrepreneurial, talented and motivational women who have helped shape our community in so many ways!
This week as we celebrate women and all of their achievements, be thankful not only for the women who are out there doing business, but ALL women – your grandmother, your mother, your sister, your daughter, etc.
And remember the women who are no longer in your life and the positive effects they have had in your life and for shaping you to be the person you are today.
Celebrate Women’s Day on March 8th!